Monday, September 6, 2010

A picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case keep yours to yourself.

Ever scroll through pics and find an otherwise nice looking or humorous photo? Maybe of two people or a group of people, looking generally happy or doing something funny together? We all live in the facebook age, we've all done this when scrolling through pics of friends. But then you scroll down to the comment box, and more often then not you're going to see a stupid post like this one:

"Wow, I am SUCH a great picture taker, this is like a professional photo."

or maybe this doozy:

"Who took this pic?? It looks AMAZING. You should really thank the photographer!"

and my personal fav:

"OMGZ guyzz. GR8 PIC! rn't you so glad that IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII took it for you?????!?!?!??!"


Just from posting something so stupid and pointless, the general viewing public has now learned a great deal about what happened on that day when that particular photograph was captured. Here are the conclusions that i would draw upon reading this:

1. The person who owns the camera had a nice idea for a picture.
2. The person taking said picture was not asked to be a part of the picture.
3. The person who owns the camera probably did not include the eventual photographer for a reason.
4. The person taking said picture and leaving absurd comments is desperately in need of attention, and wants to show the world they that too were at this place, and just because they aren't a part of the picture doesn't mean that they aren't cool. Because they were there too, and you should know it, because they took the picture.
5. That stupid comment just ruined the whole picture.

Just let them have their picture. The photographer is not what's important. If you notice a picture that you took when browsing through photo's, and you're not a part of it, then keep your words faaaarrrrrrr away from the comment box, unless you are gonna comment on how pretty somebody looks, or how funny it is. For the love of god, don't start bragging about how great the picture is because the photographer is amazing. It's not like you used any special tactics or effects to make the picture come out so great and flawless. You pointed the camera and you clicked a button. That's it. Point and click. Done. You should leave it that way.

Friday, September 3, 2010

You're not special

Hey you. Yeah you. How many birthdays did you have? And by birthdays, I mean days that you were actually born. Your mother gave birthday to you on one day, correct? On your birth certificate it says the time and date. The DATE, not DATES, right? So why the fuck do you girls think it is necessary to celebrate a birthday for nine fuckin days straight?

It's getting really annoying when girls spread word about their "Birthday Weekend", or "Birthday Week". I even know one girl in college who wanted to celebrate her "Birthday Month". It's starting to get carried away. What's next, your "Birthday Year."?

"Hey guys I have a birthday this year!!! Lets go celebrate!!! OMG i luvss my girls, they are the best ever!!"

Do you know what guys do when it's their birthday? They go out with their guy friends the day before their birthday, and when the clock strikes midnight, the celebration is on until last call. Guys get to celebrate their birthday for an hour or two, tops. And do you want to know why? Because guys understand that a birthday is not a big fuckin deal. We don't expect to be treated special, or given anything we want just because its the anniversary of the day we were born. And we damn sure don't expect the special treatment for days or weeks on-end. That's just ludicrous, why would you want to make such a spectacle out of yourself that you would want friends and family bending over backwards for you for an extended period of time? Thats just selfish. If anybody has the right to celebrate your birthday, it's your mother for suffering through your 9 hour labor you ungrateful bitches.

There is only one exception. The 21st birthday. That is the only day that your birthday can extend beyond one day, because it is the rightful passage into adulthood. And the bar scene. But anything before or after that, get off your high horse and have a little bit of pride. Not everybody needs to celebrate your birthday, because frankly, nobody really cares about you that much. Don't put that stupid sashe on that tells everybody it's your birthday, and definitely don't wear a crown. You're not playing dress up or pretty pretty princess, you just get made fun of. Trust me. I do it and so does every other guy I know.

Oh and that guy? The one buying you drinks and telling you that you look so beautiful on your birthday? He's trying to have sex with you, not admiring your crown. He's not trying to show you how nice of a guy he is, he's telling his friends, "Hey that birthday girl looks really drunk, I bet if I go buy her some drinks I can seal the deal."

Sorry creepy guys for ruining your game plan.

Girls, grow up.