Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Post

I finally decided to start a blog after years of debating the pro's and con's. I probably should have been doing this the entire time I was in college, but I'm not the type to make extra work for myself. But now that I'm a big boy and graduated, I guess I miss writing essays and articles, and it's time to get the creative juices flowing, and build some credibility as an established and professional writer. And that's why I've decided to write my first post about:

Potato Chips. Seriously though, how delicious are they? Lays, Herr's (shout out to Graig Weidinger who just got a job at the Herr's warehouse, I'm very proud of you), frito's, Doritos, Tostito's. Any kind of ito's. They are all just amazing. I don't know if doritos are actually considered a potato chip since they have all that cheese, but I'll let it slide on account of deliciousness. And have you ever put ketchup on a regular chip? It's like somewhere between your hand and your mouth the chip morphs into a french fry and gets even more delicious. It's outrageous!! If you haven't tried it, go home and try it now. You won't be disappointed.

Can't forget about Sun Chips. easily the most underrated chip of all. Here's a tip to all you fellas out there. If you're just starting to get serious with a girl, and it's time to have her over for scary movie night (don't pretend like we stopped doing this at 16, I did it last week and i know that you did too. Wrong Turn right? Yeah it never gets old), don't fill the bowl with popcorn. Fill it up with Sun Chips. But tell that chick to chew softly, cause the crunch is deadly and might wake the neighbors. Actually just turn the movie up way loud, let it drown it all out. Then you two can eat all the Sun Chips you want and not have to worry about ruining the movie. I'm estimating that you can eat about 3 bags during an hour and a half flick (plus 5 bathroom breaks for the girl because they always have to pee at the best parts). If you do this once a week for 6 months, then you guys will both be fat and sick of each other and won't have to think of some lame excuse to break up. Potato chips save the world again.

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