Thursday, October 28, 2010

College Graduate: Older, Wiser, Fatter

Three years ago i was in the best shape of my life. I was working out every day and playing hockey at the college level, it lead to my body being ripped up and in it's prime.

But something happens after graduation. You start working more, and working out less. You're home cooked meals become fast-food or whatever you can find fast, so that you don't risk any of the time you might be spending on other more important things. You start drinking more. And i don't mean drinking more like it takes more drinks for you to get blacked out on a Thursday night. After college there are no more Thursday nights. You take the opportunity to grab a drink whenever it comes, and it comes a lot.

All of this happened so fast that one day i looked at myself and noticed that i'd grown a little. I didn't add any height to my 5'6'' frame. I'd added 7-8 pounds on my stomach, a real life beer belly.

I'm not talking about a large and obnoxious site like this guys:
But just a small, subtle pocket of pudge. Just enough to know it's there. And it's funny to me, because I remember on the day I decided I was going to stop working out everyday, I said to myself, "It's fine, I can take a break, because the minute i notice myself starting to get out of shape I'll be right back at the gym."

This is not the case. I rationalize it by saying that I'm too busy to get to the gym for an hour everyday. But the truth is, I just don't feel like going. So instead, I'm actually embracing my new pudge. We've become friends. I play with him in the shower, and wear baggier clothes so he doesn't get embarrassed when we go out.

The best part about having it is that there's still a six pack of abs buried underneath it. I know this because when I tighten up the abs i can still feel them, and I've had my dad punch me a few times in the stomach just to prove it's still there. I swear it would of broken his hand if there wasn't a large pillow in front to cushion the blow.

You gym-rats and meatheads might be thinking to yourself, why give up?? Why just let yourself grow a gut? My answer to you fellas would be that it simply builds character. Instead of working my ass off to get rid of something that i don't even see as much of a problem, I'm instead forced to focus on other attributes of mine that are more desirable. Things like my rugged good looks and my charming charisma. I'm also building muscle in my legs by carrying around an extra 7-8 pounds all day, and that could be good if i ever want to rejuvenate my hockey career.

Maybe one day I will actually get myself back in the gym and slave over some weights and a treadmill. But right now I just don't got the time for that. Me and my new best friend are gonna head up to Dunleavy's for a cheesesteak and some beers. And we're both gonna be damn happy about it.


  1. This takes me back to the days of gettin are swell on at the Panzer Gym. Only to offset the beneficial effects of working out with the detrimental effects of drinking 10,000 beers and a bottle of Yeager later that same night. I agree with Mr. Sporer that sometimes everybody just needs to relax, drink a few beers, and eat a cheesesteak. Words to live by.

  2. sig went from sigismondo with a beer gut in college to a graduate with a 6 pack we now call the siguation..hes backward but thats why we love sig aka the machine.... aka the icebreaker...aka little big horn....

  3. haha thanks alot guys. you forgot about sigs most famous nicknames tho, the 8-ball, skull, and up-the-down-perescope
